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About Tracy Optometry Group, Inc.

We are a licensed provider of quality vision care products and personalized optometric services in Tracy.

Since 1985, Tracy Optometry  Group, Inc. has offered quality vision care products and personalized optometric Contactsservices to our patients. Our doctors use the most advanced technology to manage and treat a wide array of eye diseases and conditions, such as dry eye, keratoconus, digital eye fatigue, chronic headaches, myopia progression, macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.

Schedule an appointment with one of our doctors and give your vision the level of care and attention it deserves.

The Optical Dispensary

Our optical dispensary has over 1500 designer frames such as: Prada, Dolce & Gabana, Tom Ford, Coach, Dior, BeBe, L.A.M.B, Oakley, Ray-Ban, Spy and many more.

The Sun Center

Whether it’s sun protection during the bright summer days or UV protection from snow in the winter, we have something that will protect your eyes throughout the year.


Our Doctors

Dr. DavidDavid Moline, O.D., F.A.A.O.

Dr. Moline was awarded his undergraduate degree with honors in Biological Sciences from U.C. Davis. He received his Doctor of Optometry from the U.C. Berkeley School of Optometry, graduating as the class valedictorian of 1982. His graduate research was in safety characteristics of prescription lenses which earned him the 1982 Julius Neumeller award. He is currently a member of the American Public Health Association, the American Optometric Association and the Alameda-Contra Costa and San Joaquin Optometric Societies. Dr. Moline is an avid golfer so when he is not refining his skills as an eye doctor, he is refining his golf swing.

Dr. BrainBrian Yee, O.D.

Dr. Yee was awarded his undergraduate degree in Physiology from the University of California at Davis. He received his Doctor of Optometry from the Southern California College of Optometry in 1999. He is an active member of the American Optometric Association, the California Optometric Association, and the Alameda/Contra Costa Optometric Society. He currently serves as the President of the San Joaquin Optometric Society. Dr. Yee has a great deal of experience fitting specialty and difficult to fit contact lenses, including gas permeable, toric and bifocal contact lenses and he is board certified in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease. Outside interests include spending time with his two kids and playing soccer and softball. Favorite sports teams include the A’s and the 49ers.

Tim Ng, O.D.Dr. Tim

Dr. Ng was awarded his undergraduate degree with honors in Microbiology from U.C. Davis. He received his Doctor of Optometry at the Southern California College of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University, graduating with honors. He is an active member of the American Optometric Association, the California Optometric Association, and the San Joaquin Optometric Society. He is a member of the Tracy Sunrise Rotary and serves as the Youth Service Chair. Outside interests include trips to Napa, spending time with family and friends, Disneyland, and magic tricks.

Dr. Neelam Thiara

Dr. Thiara was awarded her undergraduate degree with honors in Biology from U.C. Merced. She received her Doctor of Optometry from the College of Optometry at Western University of Health Sciences. After graduation, she went on to complete a residency program in Primary Care at the VA Central California Healthcare System in Fresno, CA. She is an active member of the American Optometric Association, the California Optometric Association, and the San Joaquin Optometric Society. She is a Tracy native who enjoys being outdoors, trips to amusement parks, and spending time with her family, friends, and dog.