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Make an Appointment

Before you Schedule

If you have an urgent eye care issue, please call or text us at (209) 835-1181 for assistance.

Next to life itself, nature’s most precious gift is sight. Your vision profoundly affects your work, living, and health. Always give it the best of care.

Our comprehensive eye exams include diagnostic testing of your visual system, a refraction, health assessment of the front and back of your eye, doctor recommendations based on how you use your eyes, and time with a trained optician to help you pick out eyewear that fits your needs.

The Optomap Retinal Scan is necessary for all comprehensive eye exams ($29 for adults and $10 for 18 years old or younger). It is more efficient than dilation and doesn’t leave you with blurry vision and light sensitivity. It also provides the doctor with a baseline image to accurately track changes inside your eye. More info about Optomap is here.

We look forward to seeing you!